Merely Marvelous: The Dancing Genius of Gwen Verdon在线观看和下载

Merely Marvelous: The Dancing Genius of Gwen Verdon(2019)

演员: 鲍勃·福斯 Nicole Fosse Helen Gallagher 泰布·亨特 奇塔·里维拉




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《Merely Marvelous: The Dancing Genius of Gwen Verdon》剧情内容介绍

《Merely Marvelous: The Dancing Genius of Gwen Verdon》


Merely Marvelous: The Dancing Genius of Gwen Verdon

Merely Marvelous is a celebration of the art and life of Broadway's greatest dancing star, Gwen Verdon. She overcame many obstacles, including rickets, the Hollywood ******, a loveless first marriage and a difficult second marriage to choreographer/director Bob Fosse, to become a multi-Tony Award-winning performer. Gwen's life is told through interviews with family members and ...

Kinki 2020-02-19

已经爱上Verdon女士,so tough, loveable, kind, humble and optimistic. she is one of a kind. 实力**的音乐剧舞者,独一无二。即使fosse有时候遮蔽她的光芒,受到前夫和**伙伴fosse一次次的伤害辜负,她还是会对剧目/编舞一如既往的负责,坚持,**自主,乐观积极。就是我眼里最伟大的美式音乐剧舞者