

别名:The Wishful Thinkers

演员: Francesco Carril 奥拉·加里多 Luis Miguel Madrid Aura Garrido




爱电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



每首关于我的歌 Oriol Vila、Bárbara Lennie
阿赫德的膝盖 阿夫沙洛姆·波拉克、努尔·菲巴克 6.8
1. 月八日记/ 06-13
2. 你得来看看/ 08-22
3. 寻宝/
4. 回放/
5. 在路上/ 11-25
7. 春原的竖笛/ 10-22
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14




梦想家原名:Los ilusos,又名The Wishful Thinkers

Waiting for the green light on his next *******, young filmmaker León (Francesco Carril) is in a state of limbo. So what’s he to do? Wander Madrid, get drunk, go on dates, meet up with friends, fall in love, and of course talk about movies. Shot on black-and-white 16mm film stock, writer/director Trueba’s film is a joyous love letter to cinema and the filmmaking process, in par...

ShrimpEmpanada 2014-04-05


菲莉茜娅 2014-06-21


yicdian 2014-02-13

Wishful thinkers, people who escape into a world of fantasy; young Spaniards, who play people like themselves in the cinema of life --- you are watching a film(/life) about its own ******(/living).