Maya Underworld The Real Doomsday在线观看和下载

Maya Underworld The Real Doomsday(2012)

演员: National Geographic



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学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
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4. 孤注一掷/ 02-02

《Maya Underworld The Real Doomsday》剧情内容介绍

《Maya Underworld The Real Doomsday》


Maya Underworld The Real Doomsday

• Released by: National Geographic  Venturing into vast underwater graveyards of Mayan human sacrifices in Mexico, journalist Diego Buñuel searches for new revelations about the infamous upcoming doomsday. Using groundbreaking National Geographic technology, Diego and a team of archaeologists will literally light up the abyss to explore these underwater tombs and gain key insigh...

**大兔 2015-09-01

第一次创建条目,第一个来评论。human sacrifice 是献给神的礼物,连8岁的孩子都不放过。。。。