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Malice in Wonderland(1982)




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《Malice in Wonderland》剧情内容介绍

《Malice in Wonderland》


Malice in Wonderland1982年动画、短片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Vince Collins执导,于1983公映。


A jet-propelled white rabbit flies through the ***** of a supine woman into a wonderland where people and objects turn inside out, changing shapes and identities at warp speed. Events roughly follow Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland." The caterpillar and the queen make appearances, as does Alice. Images and symbols are often sexual. At the end, Alice asks, "Who has had such ...

magggot 2010-08-19

没人觉得**吗 跟Le Chapeau异曲同工 基本上就是*变人人变*

兔猻咬你耳朵尖 2016-03-05


Ziggy 🇵🇸 2022-07-10 Hands down best version of Alice? Now coming from a male animator the vaginas there are a little excessive in hindsight (Vice interview: Scary cartoons that feminists hate) but...I really can't deny having *pleasure* watching this (a 4-min non-stop climax); even the animator himself called it "a ****"

蔚七于 2012-06-27


Chanstm 2020-02-16


东京**页 2016-07-13

it is,, very colorful i guess? hated the blank sexuality it facepalm u. but is ** i guess.. idk

艾尔维斯 2016-03-01

cult归cult 粗糙归粗糙 略显浮夸和刻意的脑洞作品

underthinking 2016-05-20

我去看 Moonmen feat. Fart and Morty 养养眼

apollo 13 2020-04-12
