At some point the subject of the wounded/paranoid masculinity of white men -- which is the stuff of this film -- has to become flat and uninteresting. The masculinity of Mikey and Nicky is not threatening; it is utterly boring.
@bampfa 我理解为什么在critics里的评价那么高,因为Elaine May真的很擅长capture realism,据做intro的curator说,拍这片子用的胶卷是《乱世佳人》的3倍,但这个story我是真的do not give a ****. 我这种时常玩ghosting的人从来都没有life-long friends, and life-long friends of stupid white man is a topic i do not care about,更何况他们那些**insecurity 和paranoia。我知道有些人会说,but it's funny, it's played as a joke, 然而 Elaine May花了那么多笔墨,如此细致的写着两个人之间的relationship,I don't believe for a second that she did not care about them.
proletaricat 2019-07-22
At some point the subject of the wounded/paranoid masculinity of white men -- which is the stuff of this film -- has to become flat and uninteresting. The masculinity of Mikey and Nicky is not threatening; it is utterly boring.
好样的 2015-01-29
paradiso 2011-09-17
他沒常識、不識相、軟弱又任性,只在深陷麻煩時想到我,唯一的長處是不管做錯了多少事都願意一遍遍地來和好。被這傢伙依靠了30年也折騰了30年的我可以心安理得落井下石么?最大悲劇莫過於拆CP啊,尤其是這般默契深厚隨便撒嬌的官配。husbands中略遭冷落的Peter Falk這本里賺回來了!
megaclubdiolis 2021-08-31
Run, schmuck. 表演释放的巨大能量、两位演员之间的火花太亮眼,足以遮盖一切小瑕疵
路米內 2019-10-23
Radiohead 2021-06-24
西风独自凉 2021-04-10
风释 2022-09-10
@bampfa 我理解为什么在critics里的评价那么高,因为Elaine May真的很擅长capture realism,据做intro的curator说,拍这片子用的胶卷是《乱世佳人》的3倍,但这个story我是真的do not give a ****. 我这种时常玩ghosting的人从来都没有life-long friends, and life-long friends of stupid white man is a topic i do not care about,更何况他们那些**insecurity 和paranoia。我知道有些人会说,but it's funny, it's played as a joke, 然而 Elaine May花了那么多笔墨,如此细致的写着两个人之间的relationship,I don't believe for a second that she did not care about them.
丁一 2019-04-06
麦基与尼基, 床上喂药基, 换穿衣*基, 喝***基, 一起扫墓基, 街头吵架基, 扭打成团基, 闭门不救基, 爱德华霍普夜鹰城中, 天亮之前拆散一对基
Parker Li 2019-09-15