马尔科姆的一家 第五季原名:Malcolm in the Middle Season 5,
An offbeat, laugh track-lacking sitcom about a bizarrely dysfunctional family, the center of which is Malcolm, the middle of the two brothers who still live at home. His eldest (and favorite) sibling, Francis, boards at military school because his parents believe it will reform him and keep him out of trouble. Malcolm often has a hard time coping with his family life, but he ha...
洋葱圈 2014-01-20
Enrika 2021-03-12
基瑞尔 2014-02-25
还是延续了每次季终转基调+有点摸不着头脑的节奏,老白专注神经大条三十年,Lois还是那种演法,Malcolm的部分基本在快进,所以有点腻了。还是Dewey的线最好玩最值得玩味!另外白**和喜旺的Maw Maw也好好玩。
wilma📚 2014-01-26
有时间就看电影 2019-09-26
菜狗想好好活 2024-01-21
希望他们一直热热闹闹又幸福地生活下去 然而这一季最后几集急转直下,所有不幸都发生在了他们身上。 Malcolm偷了Reese的女朋友,Reese绝望之下去参军,成为了优秀的士兵,被送上了阿富汗**😭😭😭这世界好不起来了是吗😭😭😭事情总是越来越糟是吗?
T 2014-02-26
**** and **** know that one "life is unfair"