别名:What remains
留下什么/重访原名:Was bleibt | Šta ostaje | What remains / Re-visited,又名What remains
In 2008 und 2009, Clarissa Thieme travelled through Bosnia-Herzegovina and set up her camera in places where war crimes had taken place in the 1990s. Those trips resulted in the short film Was bleibt | Sta ostaje | What remains (Forum Expanded 2010). Now she returns to these locations and sets up her camera in precisely the same spots, with two women carrying a still from the f...
甜水园子温 2020-02-24
Berlinale 没变找变,没话找话,十年打卡,无聊尴尬。
Pincent 2021-03-04
7。@AnthologyFilmArchives 需要看说明书又拒绝说明的电影。用班宁的方式拍沉重历史版《脸庞村庄》(不是