01/03 If it were you, I would not cover it up. I would burn the entire world down first. /06/08 I lost a piece of me, in many ways, on that mission. You are the one piece that I cannot go through life without. 终于亲了!/09 I always got you. /10 I'm home. /12回忆/13 We never walked down Main Street holding hands.
夏沐 2022-04-07
01/03 If it were you, I would not cover it up. I would burn the entire world down first. /06/08 I lost a piece of me, in many ways, on that mission. You are the one piece that I cannot go through life without. 终于亲了!/09 I always got you. /10 I'm home. /12回忆/13 We never walked down Main Street holding hands.
aruma 2021-10-13
知道这剧又水又冷 但还是悄**期待一下第四季 如果死的是你 我不会掩盖 我会先焚尽这个世界 啊啊啊啊!第三集真甜!! 第八集可终于和好了 播一半了 终于有封面了 在一起之后真甜
夏天的8887 2022-11-02
***线终于正常合体了 多个一颗🌟
一条咸鱼 2021-10-25
happy ending了,没必要拍第四季了。
一只小凌砸 2022-01-08
讲道理这么烂的剧我还能一口气追平完全是因为有很少见到的长于几分钟的temporary character death... (男主死了十集,朋友家人都在救) (复活搞了个外星心脏起搏器,在警局给警长看手术伤口那一幕有*到) 另外用魔法救人然后消耗自己能量这种梗虽然老套但在正剧里大幅度出现的也不太多 男主的个人英雄主义微妙地处于感人马上到烦人的边缘,观感还** 女主和男主的爱情挺好的 剧情有的地方有点**,但是睁一眼闭一眼也就过去了 S3更了一集,编剧安排男主又要死了,好的
树叶上的阳光 2021-11-15
🧐真的是happy ending吗?我感觉还有一个伏笔…