东部海湾原名:East Bay,
After a string of crushing personal and professional humiliations, Jack Lee accepts that at age 39 he is a failure. Worst of all, he's let down his selfless immigrant parents. To get back on track, Jack reaches out to others: an almost famous guru, a respected arts administrator, and two fellow computer programmers, all of whom have problems of their own.
TKM 2024-05-05
徐清溟 2024-05-12
Untitled 2024-05-13
拍摄和制作横跨十几年,花了很多工夫儿,神经兮兮的有点儿意思,但是大部分来说还是给人东拼西凑的感觉。而且最后好像变成了亚裔spiritual传教片...waste ** time
shineformyself 2024-05-15
前面有点太意识流了,后面就是在说only love is real?好多地方没有非常get到,英语听力还有待提高🥹