龙潭之战原名:Battle of Long Tan,
In the gathering dusk of 18 August 1966, 108 young, inexperienced Australian and NZ soldiers are separated and surrounded, fighting for their lives, holding off an overwhelming force of 2,500 battle-hardened Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers. And, in the pouring rain, amid the mud and shattered trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tan, with their ammunition running ou...
*** Katze 2020-09-18
路德维希 2019-11-13
John Coey 2013-08-12
Brave Diggers.,沒辦法用其他的形容詞來描述他們。
greenburg 2020-05-10
笔记君 2020-09-18
奇异果🥝**也是可以很勇猛的,勇猛程度仅次于隔壁袋鼠国**,所以也是可以客串下狠角嘛~ 训令、术语准确到位、内容写实,步炮、陆航协调度高,是一部中规中矩的机械化**防守的教范。毫不隐晦,即使是那个年代的陆航战术机动能力也是当今不少人望穿秋水的羡慕嫉妒恨,充其量顶多也只能望其项背! 片中毫不介意揭各位老板小**之短,也允许基层们有血性,更允许有男一号这些敢怼老板却又能做事实的小机灵鬼~毕竟都是奇异果嘛~还是允许有人性的~