理性的敌人们原名:The Enemies of Reason,
Is it rational that the dead can communicate with the living and give sound advice on how they should live their lives? What about sticking pins into your body to free the flow of Chi energy and cure your illness? Or the bending of spoons using your mind alone? Is that rational? Richard Dawkins doesn’t think so, and feels it is his duty to expose those areas of belief that exis...
巨牛侠 2011-12-16
Richard Dawkins试图点破那些人人心知肚明却又不愿点破的东西。记住了那个鸽子实验,很好的解释了**的机制。
子文东🤪👻 2015-06-14
爱是寂寞人 2012-06-09
All you see is how arrogant, ignorant pseudoscience is.
GRAVITY 2014-11-22
↙↙↙ 2011-09-21
Steven|海边的卡夫卡 2018-06-23
Swift_Swirl 2011-09-03
方東美 2013-11-21
Edia 2021-02-25
**的发展让未经争论的信息自由传播,让人们可以自由提取想要知道的信息。这是一个看重个人感受而轻视证据的世界。 定律啊定律,Humans can be no better than pigeons. 替代疗法-安*剂效应的潜力(impress patient)-溺爱体验 对于替代疗法医生-一种身为Jesus的体验 The idea that ancient equals years of cumulative wisdom is a fallacy. Skeptical, rational inquiry is always the best approach.
Dhamma Geek 2015-01-25
We are desperate to look for patterns in a random world. This behavior provides comforting illusion of meaning and may result in superstitious conclusion. 抨击伪科学这方面的话题已经被说滥了,道金斯再来掺和一脚有点多余。下次拍个片子抨击一下那些把科学结论推上神坛供奉的人吧。