

演员: Annette Benson Brian Aherne Donald Calthrop




爱电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



仇敌当前 维克多·斯约斯特洛姆、贝里丽奥特·胡斯贝里 8.0
金钱 布里吉特·赫尔姆、玛丽·格罗丽 8.2
1. 西西里岛/ 08-30
2. 向夜屈服/ 06-30
4. 寻宝/
6. 呼声/
7. 心灵扭曲/ 11-25
8. 中途客栈/ 12-01
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 犯罪都市4/ 07-03
11. 海关战线/ 06-14
12. 功夫熊猫4/ 04-10




流星原名:Shooting Stars,

Mae Feather, famous British screen actress, is publicised as a perfect wife, and is seen everywhere with her husband, Julian Gordon, a Western star employed by the same studio. Actually she is having an affair with Andy Wilks, a star comedian. Julian discovers this and decides on a divorce, which could ruin Mac’s position with her public. Desperate, she decides to kill her husb...

欢乐** 2020-01-19

对道具(钥匙、口红、**)的使用狠是灵动巧妙,错位/误解推进的剧***生如戏戏如人生,如果人生比电影更精彩,那么在结局到来之前,我们永远无法判定下一步的正误,而人与事的万千关联一定会给出最终**。Shooting Stars意指双关,甚妙。

spondee 2016-05-15

1.Films about filming後設默片。2.子彈與口紅,戲內劇情與戲外內心戲巧妙的契合。3.子彈的特寫與疊印。4.留聲機喇吧旁加上律動的字卡提點廣播內容。5. 不同視角、遠景、中景、特寫呈現彼時劇組拍攝電影樣貌。6. 最後10分鐘的畫面真棒! "Do you want me any ****? “嫦娥應悔偷靈藥,落寞從片場離去。

巽凌 2016-06-27

尽管Annette Benson做作得跟Catherine Hessling一样,但还是让人觉得悲伤…Quote:Do You Want Me Any ****? —— No,Thank You (Shooting Stars?Literally,Shooting 'Stars'…)

按时对话法 2021-09-04

片名三重含义(流星,射击,拍摄)甚妙 不过有数处过渡都觉得有些轻**;非常喜欢结尾镜头

ChaRlIEHtAdjWW 2021-12-14

「元的元电影」。好技法啊,结尾那个推焦和叠印太牛了。Shooting stars shooting stars shooting star...all of who are a bunch of shooting stars...(感谢马丁·斯科塞斯让我发现了这部片子!)

鼹鼠 2024-02-17


蘇芳 2018-11-23
