Little Boxes又名Nowhere Ever After
It's the summer before 6th grade, and Clark is the new-in-town biracial kid in a sea of white. Discovering that to be cool he needs to act '**** black,' he fumbles to meet expectations as rifts are exposed in his tight-knit family, his parents also striving to adjust.
Glitterbug 2020-09-11
stanza 2020-09-30
想懷念一下Nelsan Ellis想不到Netflix就有, 關於城鄉黑白高低講得很簡單很生活化但也很高明. 端看一個人有沒有那個心眼
侯先生 2023-06-02
Netflix五月下架一電影中的小驚喜。融入這件事情不管對任何膚色年紀的人來說都一樣不容易。“you can't treat people like they are groups. you have to treat people like they're individuals. 你不能用團體方式去分類看待人們,必須把人們視為個體對待。”爸爸對兒子講的這段對白很棒。
小克 2019-03-06
超濕貓咪 2017-06-25
即使你是个feminist you'll never be able to see things from our perspective. You could be inclusive in cultural/ diversity awareness but we still
韦成刚CMPak 2020-06-05
一部没有冲突的平淡的电影,不知这个电影的主要想讲什么。两人从纽约搬到一个小镇,白**子努力地去工作,黑人作家自我封闭的生活,沉默的儿子和邻居两个早熟的女儿泡在一起。远离的城市的喧嚣,**两人互动很少,丈夫对妻子的抽烟行为很讨厌,儿子对女性身体的好奇,这些都想表达什么?英语影评解释为种族主义冲突,一个全是白人的小镇对他们很友好,反而是自己搞得特立独行。电影题目Little Boxes指的的是什么?不知所云,茫然感叹也许是自己的无知......