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热带离魂 萨迪亚·本塔伊布、娜拉·黛莉 7.5
管道 Luis Felipe Lozano、Fernando Úsaga Higuíta 6.1
2. 双塔/ 02-01
3. 最后的城市/ 02-07
5. 在天堂路/ 01-26
6. 滑雪/ 03-16
7. 悼亡儿之歌/ 03-22
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14





A FICUNAM commission for **** directors, Liminal seeks to play with poetic affinities between film and music. Moving across aesthetic and generational differences, the film-makers explore this relationship through **** distinct stories as to context and imaginary. Within the category of world ciné** d’auteur, Philippe Grandrieux and Lav Diaz have much in common in terms of thei...

本位 2021-03-05

格朗德里厄4.5,Laborde 3.5,迪亚兹3,Enríquez 2

kis 2021-03-06

Philippe Grandrieux 4;Óscar Enríquez 3;Manuela de Laborde 2;Lav Diaz 2。

╲│┼│╱ 2021-07-17

0,1,2,0(out of 4)。格朗德里厄那段是 White Epilepsy 之后最不负责的创作。