

别名:Robbery of the Train Paymaster

演员: Eliezer Gomes 雷吉纳尔多·法利亚 Jorge Dória 鲁思·代·苏沙 海伦娜·伊格涅兹



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走走停停 胡歌、高圆圆 8.0
学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
1. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
2. 海关战线/ 06-14
3. 制暴/ 01-04
4. 孤注一掷/ 02-02




列车强盗机密原名:O Assalto ao Trem Pagador,又名Robbery of the Train Paymaster

"O Assalto ao Trem Pagador" is a classic of the Brazilian Cinema. Based on a true *****, indeed one of the boldest heist in the Brazilian history, the film is very impressive even in the present days. The accuracy and realism of the scenes recall the Italian Movement Neo-Realism. The lack of human rights with the humble people of the slums that still prevails in the present day...

某生者 2024-01-18

四星半 绝对的黑色电影佳作。此片出现了不少角色,但主要围绕着男主Tiao展开,虽然导演处处有暗示我们这伙人的下场,但影片后半段依然扣人心弦。影片一些段落批判了当时的环境,尤其是最后警察与记者等人搜刮Tiao遗孀的家时,简直与强盗没有两样。最后对遗孀及Tiao儿子的定格似乎在说贫民在这样的环境中何去何从。

吴琼花 2024-02-05
