里奥纳多与库欣对战原名:Leonard-Cushing fight,
From Edison films catalog: An actual six-round contest between Mike Leonard, commonly called the "Beau Brummel" of pugilism, and Jack Cushing. Full of hard fighting, clever hits, punches, leads, dodges, body blows and some slugging. Sold by rounds. Each round contains 150 feet. Price each round, $22.50.
勵帝或 2012-08-25
光 2013-11-08
40s ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNDMxMjE0MzM2.html
小稻 2020-05-08
5.5,From Edison films catalog: An actual six-round contest between Mike Leonard, commonly called the "Beau Brummel" of pugilism, and Jack Cushing. Full of hard fighting, clever hits, punches, leads, dodges, body blows and some slugging. Sold by rounds. Each round contains 150 feet. Price each round, $22.50.
Kevin 2021-09-05
爱迪生黑***电影工作室(Black Maria Studio)。银幕身份和真实身份一致,有观众。
白 2015-11-14
诗怡🐰 2022-06-25
背景中,五名球迷靠在绳子上,向拳击场内张望。裁判在左边,像球迷一样,当两个拳击手互相挥拳时,裁判几乎不动。穿着白色短裤的迈克·伦纳德是侵略者;穿着黑色短裤的杰克·库欣站在拳击场边上,当伦纳德向他走来时,他小心翼翼地用爪子抓着空气。几拳击中,但战士们保持着直立的**。 摘自《爱迪生电影目录》:迈克·伦纳德(通常被称为拳击比赛的“Beau Brummel”)和杰克·库欣之间的六轮比赛。充满了激烈的战斗,聪明的打击,拳打脚踢,领先,闪避,身体打击和一些重击。(按轮出售。每轮包含150英尺。每轮售价22.50美元。)
甜 2024-11-28