脸书:破解代码原名:Facebook: Cracking the Code,
******** is an enormously powerful corporation, harnessing both the self-disclosed and gleaned personal data of almost 2 billion people. Its user-base is larger than the population of any country. The company is all pervasive online, tracking and profiling users and non-users alike. Cracking the Code looks at the insides of this giant machine and how ******** turns your thought...
晒月亮的孩子 2021-07-04
***** 2020-02-06
翮 2018-07-26
他追求的连接所有***即是控制所有人。 把你从生到死的历程变为一个供他获利的数据档案。
不明行走物 2020-01-15
L 2018-01-30
Worth the watch to enlighten you on how powerful this social ***** company has become.
DING 2020-01-14
阿苦啊 2020-01-11
Meet the Devil 2017-11-19
Let’s talk about community standard and save the world:)
小硕 2018-07-25
细思极恐 在互联网的世界里的确是在*奔啊
-HuxInyuE- 2019-07-19
其实不是这部,可能豆瓣还没有更新。是*** horizon系列的脸书之后这个纪录片,结尾的时候一句话点醒我,from ***** child to an ***** who begins to take responsibilities of the society.Exactly,长大总是要付出代价,脸书是,互联网世界是,我,也是。