龙虎福星原名:Porgi l'altra guancia,又名Turn the Other Cheek
Two missionaries (Bud Spencer and Terence Hill) come into conflict with the authorities when they turn their missionary into a parrot farm. The Bishop of Maracaibo calls them his 'black sheep' and the Monsignore has been called to check on their behavior. Like usual, our heroes **** the poor to defend themselves and provoke some funny fist fights in the process.
发际线靠后 2021-12-25
обломов 2022-12-31
东京**页 2023-03-17
德国修复版的terrence hill古铜色的皮肤透彻的蓝眼睛真帅!两人的电影基本上是什么职业都当过,神父大概是最有意思的了!尤其是hill的角色的背景神秘感满满!可惜电影像是只拍到了他们精彩人生中平淡的一段,剧情实在是没有太多亮点。比起拍他们的故事我觉得拍他们的成长和相识会更有趣!