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夜船 多米妮克·桑达、布鲁·欧吉尔 7.4
西西里岛 Gianni Buscarino、Angela Nugara 7.8
1. 破败工厂/ 12-11
2. 腐臭天堂/ 01-06
3. 米拉/ 07-04
4. 漂流/ 06-04
5. 索非亚园区/ 11-02
8. 双塔/ 02-01
9. 角斗士2/ 01-08
10. 女囚风暴1995/ 10-12
12. 749局/ 01-24




疯狂的城堡原名:Le fort des fous,

Using archives from the early scientific expeditions and taming campaigns led by the French colonizers in North Africa, Le Fort de fous follows a community of young nomads and wanderers as they form an imagined utopian society in response to imperialistic rule. Reenactments, improvisations, and interviews are conducted with the inhabitants of Algiers, Kythira Island and the Pro...

Lycidas 2017-08-20

Open Doors 2015年得奖的WIP项目,今年成片出来又回到洛迦诺。archive的编排手法跳脱传统,贝克特式的荒诞混上罗伊安德森的剧场感,采访部分还有点斯特劳布的意思。三个段落各有千秋,从前殖民地谈到难民问题,触及很多有意思的点。

Ada的B计划 2019-06-22


Manicpixiecut♀ 2021-11-08

1. “Barbarians are all that exist in the modern world.” 2. “There are maybe **** or five realities. ** reality at night is different from ** reality in the morning.”

本位 2020-01-09

在纪录片里用上这种编排方式真的好有趣 4.5

么什叫定决能不 2017-08-16

2.5 使用archive非常及时地回应了地域、种族和难民等时下议题,倒是应该真的很符合今年Documenta的口味,有些地方看上去更像choreography,隔空看真的挺吃力的。(可以说我终于看了一个Documenta的作品?但是这个条目为什么放了个导演的名字在标题上啊不是叫Le Fort des fous吗。。