了不起的费里尼先生:韦斯·安德森访谈原名:Fantastic Mr Fellini - An Interview with Wes Anderson,
Sky Arte’s production is a tribute that Wes Anderson wishes to pay to one of his favourite directors on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Together with Francesco Zippel, Anderson has retraced some themes close to Fellini’s own approach to cinema.
胤祥 2020-01-21
#31stTrieste#“费里尼东与西”特展,世界首映。韦斯·安德森讲自己看费里尼的历史,看了这片才知道他给***拍[卡瓦尔坎蒂城堡]Castello Cavalcanti (2013)时用的就是Cinecittà费里尼的五号摄影棚,而且要求选群演时候“找长得像费里尼片子里的人”,其实他也翻了[**风情画][甜蜜的生活]和[阿玛柯德]的桥段。有些料还是不错的(另外韦斯安德森接受采访**鞋只穿*色袜子也是够了),这个纪录片的导演剪辑极其花哨跳戏让人不爽。