别名:Pure Life
演员: Stany Coppet Aurélien Recoing Elli Medeiros Daniel Duval Alex Descas
La vie pure又名Pure Life
1949, a French explorer goes on a solitary expedition in the Amazon forest. He leaves behind him a diary that reflects the meaning of Pure Life and his encounters but leaves the mystery of his own disappearance unsolved.
今年蒙特利尔**电影节我的最后一场电影,很巧地赶上了此片的海外首映,两位主演和导演制片DOP等都到场了,做了一些简介和问答。片子的某些段落让我想起Into the Wild,当然隔着大银幕都能感到绝望,有点看不去,真恨不得主角是贝爷可以速速找到出路。这样就能体会到片长控制得正合适了。
carried 2014-08-30
今年蒙特利尔**电影节我的最后一场电影,很巧地赶上了此片的海外首映,两位主演和导演制片DOP等都到场了,做了一些简介和问答。片子的某些段落让我想起Into the Wild,当然隔着大银幕都能感到绝望,有点看不去,真恨不得主角是贝爷可以速速找到出路。这样就能体会到片长控制得正合适了。