

别名:The Police Are Blundering in the Dark

更新时间: 08-08 12:32

资源状态: 可播放 可下载



谋杀大厦 Ida Galli、Analía Gadé
玛丽的白色连衣裙 Ida Galli、Ivan Rassimov 5.8
1. 美人鱼旅馆/ 12-22
2. 暴露/
5. 合法情人/ 12-01
6. 初恋/ 07-02
8. 将杀皇后/ 05-31
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




暗警原名:La polizia brancola nel buio,又名The Police Are Blundering in the Dark

A young nude-model is violently stabbed to death with a pair of scissors. It soon emerges that three other women have already fallen prey to this unknown maniac, and that all three victims have a single and unique connection: they all served as models for an eccentric photographer named Parisi. When another young woman with a date to be photographed is murdered, her journalist ...

冰咖啡 2022-02-28


UlyssesJo 2020-11-03

这拍照剧情有够扯 前面迷惑的很多 不过按照铅黄套路就知道肯定和真凶没关系 果体多但都不美 总的来说一般吧也就