3.5 key to make beautiful motion pictures is that you grab a beauty and get as many close-up shots in her face as you could. ***** camera work in this film.
Ron 2015-06-20
片中女主比海报上暖心。我某日闲来无事随便打的一个imdbtt号搜到的这部电影。片中的wolf长得很亚裔,但我记不清具体像哪个男演员。片子总体很朴实,情节很老套,并无特别,但也不妨碍当作一部landscape film of New Mexico to be watched
Emanuelle 2015-04-25
3.5 key to make beautiful motion pictures is that you grab a beauty and get as many close-up shots in her face as you could. ***** camera work in this film.
Ron 2015-06-20
片中女主比海报上暖心。我某日闲来无事随便打的一个imdbtt号搜到的这部电影。片中的wolf长得很亚裔,但我记不清具体像哪个男演员。片子总体很朴实,情节很老套,并无特别,但也不妨碍当作一部landscape film of New Mexico to be watched
***** 2014-11-21
拾弎姨 2016-06-05
willa妹子中意快十年了 ( ̄▽ ̄)/
Nicole Yan 2016-05-27
没有字幕 所以才更能体会到情感 生活就像头发一样 是过去和未来的合体 他会不断增长 却也是过去的见证