La Nouvelle vague, remède ou poison?在线观看和下载

La Nouvelle vague, remède ou poison?(1964)

别名:The New Wave: Remedy or Poison?

演员: Jean-Luc Godard




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《La Nouvelle vague, remède ou poison?》相关推荐

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《La Nouvelle vague, remède ou poison?》剧情内容介绍

《La Nouvelle vague, remède ou poison?》


La Nouvelle vague, remède ou poison?又名The New Wave: Remedy or Poison?

Labarthe was very much in the orbit of the French New Wave—he appears as an actor in Godard’s ** Life to Live—and his collaborator, Janine Bazin, was the widow of film theorist and Cahiers du ciné** co-founder André Bazin. Yet by 1964, five years after the explosion of the movement onto French and international screens, doubts about the true impact of the New Wave had emerged. ...

希尼莫 2011-01-06


劭禾izocheung 2012-04-13
