La lune avec les dents
The international cinematic new wave came bursting into the Swiss cinema through the work of Michel Soutter, whose La lune avec les dents (The Moon with Teeth) became practically a manifesto of the movement. The film follows William, thirty-ish, out of work and looking for a new life after apparently having been thrown out of his previous one. He meets up with Noelle, who seems...
沉睡的人 2021-09-30
其實就是簡單的劇**。不過男主角作為社會底層的現代人,確實凸顯出那類人如何運用一些左派的思想去吸引女性,又因為女性的物質施捨而蒙羞;相反地,他的友人就是實在的資產階級,對**的渴望也只為了性而已。 Soutter 很敏銳地察覺到資本主義社會如何造成無產階級的敏感與脆弱。