Lafayette: The Lost Hero在线观看和下载

Lafayette: The Lost Hero(2010)

演员: 碧姬·芭铎 约翰·卡伦 凯瑟琳·德纳芙



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《Lafayette: The Lost Hero》相关推荐

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《Lafayette: The Lost Hero》剧情内容介绍

《Lafayette: The Lost Hero》


Lafayette: The Lost Hero

No one in recorded history has suffered a fate quite like Lafayette. Once, the most famous man in the world; today, few people know who he was or what he accomplished. It is time to re-evaluate his crucial role in America's independence.

vivi 2017-02-03

3.5 镜头和表现手法很不错,美到想起侯麦的“英国贵妇与**公爵”。(看之前只知道老佛爷,不知道这一位“我也不知道他是英雄还是白痴”。然后,为什么讲到**,先是BB,才是芙芙?╭(╯^╰)╮)#8677