蓝色大宅门原名:The Blue Mansion,又名蓝房子
The Blue Mansion is a quirky murder mystery about a wealthy Asian tycoon who dies suddenly under mysterious circumstances. He returns as a ***** to try to uncover the secret of his death with the **** of his family and the police.
mmming 2011-07-25
艾莎妮達 2010-03-29
26 MAR 2010 (3) 老老實實說,電影本身並不算特別出色,好些刻意玩弄的效果不是情感太露就是流於生硬突兀,但劇本還算四平八穩。也許正正是這點,才最為刺痛我們的神經。相對之下,要在今時今日我城云云主流劇本中找出類似水準的,尤如石中取血,不可能之任務也。
LULU 2009-10-20
first time watch singapore movie...so so...didnt catch the point
瞬时** 2020-01-13
一一离家出走 2012-04-20