凯文·加内特:一切皆有可能原名:Kevin Garnett: Anything Is Possible,
Feature-length documentary following Kevin Garnett's remarkable career and the pivotal moments that defined it. Garnett became the first high school player to be drafted by the NBA in 20 years - paving the way for future legends like Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. His years with the Minnesota Timberwolves made him a superstar but it was his move to the Boston Celtics that made h...
bellacasa 2024-02-07
“有时我会想,要是我没遇到托马斯,要是我没直接参加选秀会怎样?机会总是在你最没准备的时候突然降临,你如何有勇气抓住它?要耕耘在日常。”— 凯文加内特说在片尾。即使是在他退役七年之后,他的勇武无惧还是在激励着我。what a character!
k-pax 2023-06-19
历史上第一个直升NBA的高中生。为后来的科比,詹姆斯铺垫了一条可行之路。也是森林狼队史上第一个NBA常规赛MVP... 说回纪录片本身,采用当前采访和历史素材交织而成的纪录片。可能也是因为过去素材太散了,只好这种剪辑方法。总体因此显得比较散乱。。。需要篮球迷和KG迷自己挑里面的好食的内容*用。哈哈。b站可看。
Anders Wang 2022-07-02
Amy的爹地 2022-01-25