收藏品:收藏家原名:Koleksiyoncu: The Collector,
谁还不是所爱之物的志愿奴隶呢(笑 不过这个例子真的好极致...老爷爷很可爱啊 又自洽又从容
MUBI. 似乎看到了自己的老年生活.
One of the aims of a collector is to act as a bridge between yesterday and tomorrow.But I see collection as a hobby, not as a mission.
翔德美 2021-08-30
谁还不是所爱之物的志愿奴隶呢(笑 不过这个例子真的好极致...老爷爷很可爱啊 又自洽又从容
纸躯 2020-12-04
MUBI. 似乎看到了自己的老年生活.
钧廷 2020-11-11
One of the aims of a collector is to act as a bridge between yesterday and tomorrow.But I see collection as a hobby, not as a mission.