别名:Woman from Kihnu
基努女人原名:Kihnu naine,又名Woman from Kihnu
On the small island of Kihnu off the western coast of Estonia people have their own colorful culture and traditions. Mark Soosaar investigates trough the eye of a camera how the generations turn and pass but the people and the culture still stay the same. Kihnu Woman (Kihnu naine, 1974), directed by Mark Soosaar, earned rather widespread recognition for its vivid color schemes ...
故乡的晨曦 2021-08-25
马克·苏萨尔(Mark Soosaar)执导的《基努**》(Kihnu-naine,1974)以其生动的配色方案和有趣的摄像技术赢得了相当广泛的认可,将该岛的现实呈现为艺术**的彩虹。苏萨尔的方法以令人信*的比喻表达和诗意为特点,但也以挑衅性的**分期/诱导为特点。流媒体稀有1080p,49分钟短片
mecca 2023-07-01
影像高度风格化的人类学纪录片佳作。过曝墓园与靛蓝海岸成为先色夺人的记忆点,某种套色木刻的质感印象里摇摇晃晃开始讲述这个爱沙尼亚离岛独特的历史与风土:捕鱼、织染、歌咏、繁衍…… Oak / Kihnu 一个民族的韧性,一个性别的韧性。p.s. 基努岛的母系社会文化已于2003年**非保,看她们怎样取法天然配色很难不想起基诺族类似的手工传统。再叹华语纪录片的某种空缺。#Matriarchy 延伸阅读: https://m.jiemian****/article/2574098.html
炼金术师 2025-01-01