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Khamushiye darya(2003)

别名:Silence of the Sea



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《Khamushiye darya》剧情内容介绍

《Khamushiye darya》


Khamushiye darya又名Silence of the Sea。2003年剧情类型片,创作于**地区,具有波斯语语言版本。由Vahid Mousaian执导,并由Vahid Mousaian任编剧,携幕后团队创作。


Settled comfortably in Sweden with his wife and two children, Siavash finds himself at middle age consumed with guilt for having abandoned his parents when he left Iran many years before. A hasty attempt to return finds Siavash stranded in the free port of Qeshm, a sort of island no-man's-land and departure point for smugglers, where the locals are as puzzled by this backwards-...