科威特之火原名:Fires of Kuwait,
After Saddam Hussein had the Kuwait Oil wells lit up, teams from all over the world fought those fires for months. They had to save the oil resources, as well as reduce air pollution. The different teams developed different techniques of extinguishing the fires. From ***-shockwaves blowing out the flames to Tank-mounted twin MIG-jet-engines (from Hungary) blasting away the flam...
暂时被** 2020-09-16
90年代美国纪录片。大卫 道格拉斯。IMAX公司。较短的片长(通常大约40分钟),专注于拍摄奇观化的野生动物、风景和**。无资源
Lanthanum 2015-01-12
紅蓮の業火 2019-06-20
Lazy忄 2023-10-22