克利须那教派原名:Hare Krishna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami Who Started it All,
"Hare Krishna!" is a documentary on the life of Srila Prabhupada, the 70-year-old Indian Swami who arrives in America without support or money and ignites a worldwide spiritual phenomenon, now known as the Hare Krishna Movement.
笃悠悠** 2018-05-09
IMDB大众评分9.8 专业评分41. 其实作为印度灵修的扫盲片来看还是涨知识的 特别是听到** sweet lord里hare krishna的歌词 beatles 小激动
thea 2020-03-22
作为一部纪录片,材料非常不错,故事讲得也不错,从Prabhupada前往美国,讲到1977年去世,这个**估计现在也真有钱,拍纪录片很贵的。我本来是去看Ginsburg,但居然看到Beatles 和George Harrison, ** Sweet Lord 好sweet。伦敦和纽约街头的大型Radhayatra巡游,还是很令人震惊,Swami是真厉害。