别名:The sounds of kaleva
卡勒瓦之声原名:Kaleva hääled,又名The sounds of kaleva
A three-act film-essay about memory and the historical-cultural ties of the finno- ugric peoples. the first chapter is dedicated to ancient bearese of memory, such as karelian cliff drawings, kalevala runo song and khanty bear feast rituals. the second act portrays the visit of elias lonnrot, compiler of the finnish national epic kalevala, to estonia and his meetings with local...
L'llariit 2020-04-10
唯独不喜欢的部分是“Laulu”,铁匠在芬兰/爱沙尼亚语里是噩梦难度词汇,芬兰人如何参与铸成爱沙尼亚民族史诗Kalevipoeg,瞬间想起近年taska film制作新片片头以及Eesti Kultuurkapital logo