演员: Heather Dubrow Shannon Storms Beador Gina Kirschenheiter Emily Simpson Jennifer Armstrong
橘子郡娇妻 第十六季原名:The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 16 Season 16,
The Real Housewives of Orange County focuses on the lives of Heather Dubrow, Shannon Storms Beador, Gina Kirschenheiter, Emily Simpson, Jennifer Armstrong and Noella Bergener, with Nicole James appearing as a Friend of the Housewives.
吉她あずさ 2022-01-22
实在受不了Heather的凡尔赛式炫富真的让人想说坏话,太自恋了,典型的虚伪白左**,girl你只是个嫁了个有钱整形医生的130线演员,不要以为自己是个优雅的old money ,处处教别人如何表现得体,搞得礼仪课老师一样,还好有Noella,不然全季都看Gina那群人跪舔她🤮,Noella宝藏女孩,节目上使劲撕破Heather假模假样,送heather女儿**制品恶心她,节目下撕前夫不敢回国,特别适合这个节目,难怪传言她一直想加入,一来就深谙**,可惜了Bronwyn下车了,他们才有看点,Heather太假。