将我们分开的事原名:우리를 갈라놓는 것들,又名Things That Do Us Part
Three womem, are facing brutal incidents. These women metaphorically depict the lives of real-life figures independence fighter, Jeju Uprising fighter, and partisan in Jiri mountain. They went through are connected to a passageway or a shaman ritual.
燕 2019-12-15
경성 1919~서울 2019,韩国近代史百年。相關的知識儲備不夠,理解起來有局限性,仍被深深打動。 映后導演説道,這部片的發想來自於兩年前的燭火集會。他疑惑是什麽促使韓國人的立場如此不同,各持己見且毫不退讓?溯本求源,才有了這部電影。我彼時想到的是:如果有華人能拍一部屬於我們的<우리를 갈라놓는 것들>就好了……