绝对权力 第一季原名:Absolute Power Season 1,又名绝对...不怎么样
With spin doctors ery much in the spotlight of late, this TV adaption of the *** radio series could hardly have picked a better time to rear its head. The show centres around the workings of Prentiss McCabe, a PR agency whose offices play host to a succession of minor celebrities, politicians and high-up businessmen who all need photo-shoots arranging and soundbites composing. ...
mOco 2012-03-14
跟着英文字幕也好难理解,油炸叔就不能稍微没有文化一点么?不过大体还是跟得上,谈公关这种事,又是英剧又是油炸叔,可见其犀利。E02杨桃客串的金发孩子“一只腿没那么累”真是把我笑死了!No body cares about truth,that's why you work for me.
AJI.9 2014-04-17
做PR这种就是需要有心机的,随机应变的,***最好了~~(偷笑)从这剧学到好多!!赞 一边看一边学,学讲话 学待人接物 学随机应变 学...总之油炸叔太适合这角色了,跟着他又是受教育了:D
zh_ayi 2022-06-25