

别名:In Plain Sight

演员: Brant Lustwata Dr. Frank Mugisha Achiro P. Olwoch



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春夏秋冬 Malia “Bambi” Santiago、Michael Bradley Cohen
亲密 董洁依、李沫儒
1. 海边日出/ 10-15
3. / 10-18
4. 南丫/ 10-23
5. 远行/ 11-04
6. 宝贝女孩/ 11-07
7. 代孕者/ 11-07
8. BRidGE/ 11-07
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




近在眼前原名:In Plain Sight,又名In Plain Sight。2019年剧情、短片、同性类型片,创作于乌干达地区,具有英语语言版本。由Achiro P. Olwoch执导,并由Achiro P. Olwoch任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Brant Lustwata、Dr. Frank Mugisha、Achiro P. Olwoch等著名实力派明星加盟。


In Plain Sight is a story about the LGBTQ community in Uganda in another light. The world has painted Uganda as the worst place for a homosexual to be and maybe it is but the homosexuals in Uganda live a fairly normal life doing normal things and flying under the radar. This film seeks to change the narrative about what the world is saying and say something else for ourselves a...

同志亦凡人中文站 2019-10-23


hellst 2019-11-05

很浅的采访与发声(但可能背后十分不易),简单了解乌干达酷儿社群,印象最深刻的一句话是we do live normal lives

豆友83399117 2019-11-06

纪录片不错 不过日常生活是从社区组织者的叙述中展现 想看更多人们的互动