「When someone hates something that much it doesn't matter how good they are at it. But you can't expect the other people to understand that.」「Is there such a thing as the human heart, now there's the better question. → Well, if you listen closely, you can hear 'em breaking.」
owen 2008-05-20
6/10,这是什么家庭呀,堪比American Beauty里的恐怖家庭了,结尾的twist让人很无语。另外,Hirsch小帅的发型也太丑了吧,大毁形象啊
Bo 2011-07-08
Q·ian·Sivan 2016-04-24
「When someone hates something that much it doesn't matter how good they are at it. But you can't expect the other people to understand that.」「Is there such a thing as the human heart, now there's the better question. → Well, if you listen closely, you can hear 'em breaking.」
海棠一生 2007-08-09
巨爱看Ryan Donowho揍人的样子(喜欢颓废狂野的美少年)。。。大萌Email和Ryan的纯洁少年之爱,他们竟然是同父异母的兄弟,orz
Ефан 2010-09-17
包袱抖得很好 亲情 友情 以及友情中夹杂着的一些奇妙的气息 不过不懂imaginary heros指的是什么
667DJP 2011-02-04
Mix安冬 2009-03-07
鬼子 2011-07-03
ryan donowho很帅 边吃饭边玩儿狗边看的 我的家庭幸运的和睦异常 看似平静这事儿最可怕了
解夏** 2010-08-20
zoey。 2010-09-04