加沙地带原名:Gaza Strip,又名加沙
“Gaza Strip” pushes the viewer headlong into the tumult of the Israeli-occupied Gaza, examining the lives and views of ordinary Palestinians. The documentary often sees the world through the eyes of young people. The central character is Mohammed Hejazi, a 13-year-old paperboy in Gaza ****, one of the young “stone-throwers” who risk their lives throwing rocks at Israeli tanks a...
卡卡鱼毛球一世 2014-03-10
导演试图manipulate的痕迹很重,甚至让人觉得是在拿小孩博同情。He tells the story without letting the audience feel it or experience it fully. 感觉像是盈利性太强烈的旅游团行程,自由被束缚看得并不畅快。
言矢 2022-02-03
Nahida 2019-02-15
这是James Longley第一部纪录片,他后来另一部片子(Iraq in Fragments)也让小朋友做主角—上一个镜头是直升机扔**,下一个便是小朋友纯真的眼睛。果然再次证明,好多导演一辈子只拍一部作品。技法是成熟的,*控情感的能力也是有的,可立意很有问题啊,有一种滥用了这个地区和人物的感觉。