

别名:the Future

演员: 玛鲁薇拉·马特利 鲁格·豪尔 尼可拉斯·瓦波里蒂斯 Luigi Ciardo Alessandro Giallocosta


更新时间: 04-27 08:43

资源状态: 可播放



感谢你生活 阿诺克·格林布戈、夏洛特·甘斯布 6.9
赫米娅和海伦娜 奥古斯丁·穆尼奥斯、玛丽亚·维拉 6.5
2. 耶稣之子/ 11-25
5. Lulu/ 01-18
7. 陌路情缘/ 06-29
8. 欢欣/ 07-25
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14




将来原名:Il futuro,又名the Future

When her parents *** in a car accident, adolescent Bianca’s universe is upended. Staying alone in the family’s Rome apartment and entrusted with the care of her younger brother, Tomas, she struggles to hold things together as her place in her surreal new world becomes blurry. Life is further complicated when Tomas’s gym-rat friends invite themselves to stay indefinitely. Using ...

踢迩达 2013-10-31


ShrimpEmpanada 2013-11-10


Shelton 2017-01-10

monologue is a cheap way to progress the story. i like the the realtionship between Mr.Bruno and Bianca. the prostitue Bianca see in the stairs, that is brilliant.

包容 2013-06-11

manuela es la actriz que me gusta desde que viera su primera pelicula B-hapy.como dicen que esta es su pelicula mas osada pero yo creo que es buena aunque no va tener mucha gente que le gusta la obra.y otra cosa es que ** nota algo de la novela

alumiss 2013-12-12


livinglow 2013-05-08

2013/05/07 在压抑的基调下,少女近似绝望地探求出路。基本层面还是做到了,但是感觉剧情没有完全发展开,少女成熟觉醒的过程不够流程,少年的悔悟就更单薄了。

芦哲峰 2017-04-08


水牛之王神乃襞 2020-10-04
