别名:Running on Empty
当下或明日原名:Jetzt oder morgen,又名Running on Empty
Lisa Weber’s portrait of Claudia, who had a son when she was 15 and now lives together with him, her mother and her brother in Vienna, is an affectionate and gentle film about the passing of time and about what happens when seemingly nothing is happening.
呆萌喵星人 2020-02-28
#berlinale2020#工整的作品,非常舒*的观影体验。zoo palast的凳子好舒*啊!女主既是母亲也是女儿,15岁生娃的她,生活的碎片虽显无趣,但文本的表达较好挖掘了人物的世界。奇迹会出现,当你相信时。切入点其实也蛮好的,observation和participation的使用,导演的人文关怀,就,还行!