imagine..., Summer 2013 - Zaha Hadid: Who Dares Wins
Alan Yentob profiles the most successful female architect there has ever been. Born in Baghdad in 1950 and based in London, Zaha Hadid is now one of a handful of global superstar designers who have changed the way people think about the world through buildings. Yet this hasn't always been the case; Hadid once had a reputation as unbuildable, a '***** architect' whose projects b...
风中 2019-05-04
应该就是我看的作业版本。***拍的。并不喜欢ZAHA的建筑风格,但是一个对世界有着如此强烈好奇心,又很有胆量,还不完美的人,总是很独特珍贵的。只是我看着看着不知为何会产生一种强烈的八卦心。总觉得她对助手PATRIK有着非同一般深厚的感情。尤其是快到最后说,要举办一个POTATO *****。那种小**的沉溺感。嗯。对此有莫名的一点感动。然后真去八卦了下,貌似是那么回事。
Hello 2021-07-29
Nikita 2021-07-12
胡之 2020-04-02
vin 2013-08-08
How many times has the word 'unbuildable' appeared in this.
圈笔 2017-04-30
onion 2021-08-12
好运* 2022-05-28
Anthony 2015-03-05
拍的不好 看得我都要睡着了..这是一个怀才不遇的故事(误 不过我好喜欢她的设计啊果然天才总有出头之日! 设计关键词 glass, white, organic shape
苞谷猪 2017-08-24
"she has added enormous amount of language to architecture,divides shapes we never thought we could do,and never thought any architects do."