年轻译者原名:il traduttore,
Andrei is a Romanian student who attends a course in foreign languages at the University. Every evening he works in a pizzeria and, when called, to the police station where he translates interceptions of his countrymen. He does everything it takes to keep a promise he made to his girlfriend, that in some way he would gain the residence permit to let her come to Italy. His Unive...
长袜子 2021-11-21
双线故事 以为**会在**线但原来爆发在查案线 65
故乡的晨曦 2020-10-13
竹林依語 2023-07-18
情节有点莫名其妙…… 阿姨与丈夫分居时,阿姨丈夫**了阿姨的闺蜜,还用德语写了一本日记,他去世后,阿姨很难过,请狼狗过来翻译那本日记,日记上都在写他对阿姨闺蜜的迷恋。狼狗念翻译时,阿姨才知道丈夫与闺蜜背叛了自己,只是这对方念翻译念着念着怎么激动地两人念到沙发上了? 那阿姨身材确实不错,狼狗也挺养眼,就是不知道狼狗到底是来做翻译还是来做🦆的?又或许两者兼顾? 结尾那段不知道哪国语言没翻译听不懂,这狼狗是为了自己能成功待在这里和女友能过来,而直接栽赃陷害一个无辜的外地人**吗? 看得晕乎乎的……