Il ritorno di Clint il solitario在线观看和下载

Il ritorno di Clint il solitario(1972)

别名:A Noose Is Waiting for You Trinity / The Return of Clint the Stranger

演员: 玛丽娜·马尔法迪 克劳斯·金斯基 George Martin




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《Il ritorno di Clint il solitario》剧情内容介绍

《Il ritorno di Clint il solitario》


Il ritorno di Clint il solitario又名A Noose Is Waiting for You Trinity、The Return of Clint the Stranger

Trinity is an ex-gunslinger desperately wanting to be forgiven and accepted by his family that he abandoned years earlier. Unfortunately for him, a ruthless bounty hunter is on his trail. The bounty hunter tracks Trinity down and forces him to return to his violent ways in order to protect himself and his family