蛟龙猛虎大火拼原名:Il consigliori,又名Counselor at Crime、The Counsellor
Third-rate GODFATHER clone is so clearly patterned after the Francis Coppola blockbuster that the end result, despite the occasional felicities, is doubly disappointing: Tomas Milian, the consigliori of the title, naturally has the Robert Duvall role; Martin Balsam steps in for Brando as the Don and also suffers an attempt on his life (while visiting his wife's grave); there is...
阿罡书房 2021-11-15
罗西基 2018-10-21
四星:故事扎实,场面以及调度工整,无仁义**路,马革裹尸还。Tomas Milian内敛中凸显张力,这个角色挺鲜明也挺接地气的。
Casino 2023-05-14
内敛沉稳的Tomas Milian真的帅,最后老头那句I remember everything,unfortunately也是意味深长