狩猎者原名:Il cacciatore,
Palermo, 1993. After decades of bloodshed and government officials mostly treading the water with street-level arrests, it is time to go after the bosses. Palermo's streets are soaked in blood as a war between the mafia and the state claims the life of criminals as well as the innocent. Two rivaling bosses are fighting for dominance while facing the now rising pressure of the l...
伊芙琳eveline 2025-01-04
2018意大利最佳剧集。讲述了1993年起,意大利司法机关和警方将主导Capaci,**佛罗伦萨等处多起耸人听闻的爆炸案的cosa nostra头目Salvatore Totó Riina抓捕归案后,cosa nostra内部派系林立 各自为政,anti-mafia小组如何继续追踪和瓦解***的过程。第一季讲了抓捕被称为警察猎人的Bagarella的过程,第二季讲了抓捕Giovanni Brusca的过程。侧重描写警方内部的磨合过程、cosa nostra内部矛盾。跟netflix的【毒枭narcos】题材类似,缺点是稍嫌场面不够宏***如在Bagarella抓到被公布消息的第二天,居然只有几个记者和市民到场,与其当时全民高度关注这些**的事实不太相符。
DannyLee 2023-03-12