夫人,让我吻你的手原名:Ich küsse Ihre Hand Madame,又名I Kiss Your Hand, Madame
Madame Talandier is a divorcee living the high life in Paris. Her current lover is the overweight Percy Talandier but then she meets Count Lerski and sets her sights on him. Then she hears from her ex-husband that Lerski he is not a count, he works as a waiter.
黑特-007 2021-02-18
意外地好,台阶、舞会、电梯,几个桥段都处理得恰到好处。外网好多人说不喜欢天真无邪的黛德丽,我倒没觉得有何不妥XD喜提目前看到的最佳Liedtke,他的标准傻笑脸实在很配这样一部爱情小品,可惜这版资源在他的big moment突然变糊|Ps.这位前夫管得好多……
巽凌 2015-06-21
① Marlene Dietrich的默片 ② 男主居然是Harry Liedtke,只不过老了又胖了 ③ 『Ich kü*** Ihre Hand,Madame』也是Richard Tauber灌录的
莱拉杜莫里耶 2021-06-26