Iceland: Beyond Sigur Rós在线观看和下载

Iceland: Beyond Sigur Rós(2011)

演员: Haukur Magnússon Ólafur Arnalds Pétur Úlfur Einarsson Hafsteinn Michael Guðmundsson




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《Iceland: Beyond Sigur Rós》


Iceland: Beyond Sigur Rós

"Iceland: Beyond Sigur Rós" is a brand new 30 minute documentary about Iceland's music scene. The not-for-profit film, made by Serious Feather aims to be a "celebration of Iceland's dynamic and diverse contemporary independent music scene". Filmed in full HD, the documentary features insightful interviews with Haukur Magnússon flamboyant editor of Reykjavík's Grapevine Magazine...

小晨 2011-09-27

Icelandic Cinema Online简直让我泪流满面。这个片子又让我知道了gogoyoko,我要更加努力看好自己的钱包了,不过该支持还是支持,搞个月支出计划吧。。。

刘酸铜 2011-11-28

跟西瓜肉丝没啥关系,搬运至优酷 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMzI3MTgxMzMy.html

章魚嘴 2011-08-02

20110802 @ home : interview w/ Ólafur Arnalds! getting to know the iceland indie music scene :)

大犀牛 2012-08-09


Mignon松弛地 2012-09-22

控诉咱不止Sigur Ros。还是For A Minor Reflection最美,可吉他(没记错的话)是Jonsi他弟弟

Amie L 2011-02-17

所以是拍给只知道丝瓜的吧- - 3个采访+MV/现场片段 大多听过了。。。还是For A Minor Reflection最美了~ K帮我折腾下来滴,再MUA个~ 话说回来,如果你想了解下冰岛音乐,这片子不错

whereiskurt 2013-06-27


一种态度 2020-12-30


Veritas 2017-01-15


In trance 2016-10-20

If you wana know about Icelan indie music,here is Ólafur Arnald.最后那段在海岛边现场录制音乐的片段,音乐的wave随着海水拍打礁石,海燕划过上空的声音,融合空气和风组成天然之音