霍默复仇记原名:Brat doktora Homera,又名Doctor Homer's Brother
南斯拉夫居然也拍过相当不错的西部片?这种题材在巴尔干电影里还真算比较少见的了。IMDB评分9.7高得出奇。 One of the greatest Yugoslav films of all time! BRAT DOKTORA HOMERA is a masterpiece made by one of the greatest Serbian directors of all time, Zivorad 'Zika' Mitrovic, who passed away this winter as 2005 was dawning. BRAT DOKTORA HOMERA belongs to the wave of Yugoslav Westerns, films which were shaped along the aesthetic of...
爱看电影的猫 2024-03-03
喘喘 2016-02-11